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Message from the

My Passion is to help the needy. Nobody chooses a bad, poor or unhealthy life but when we stand together and extend help to the needy we are blessed the more.

'Helping is me, I love to love'. Through love we change lives and make the world a better place.

My heart is for the helpless, I hate seeing someone suffer and in pain.
Let's work as a team to make a change in this world.
There's no escape for life, we have to live it. As we live a better life, let's also make others have the same.

United we stand and I believe we can make this happen and by the Grace of God the world can change by us serving as good examples.

My dream as the director of this organization and as a villager in this community is to change the lives of people and their standards of living.

In order to fulfill this, I humbly and kindly ask u to participate in any way by changing human lives by clothing many, sponsoring a child's education, sending in food stuffs etc. May God almighty bless you.

Awesome Image


Our work has been made possible through help from friends, family and well-wishers.

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Our Vision

Our vision is to create a better everyday life for many children and community members.


Building schools to educate the underpriviledged.


Taking care of the orphaned children.


Providing water to people in places with no access to clean water.


Constructing medical centers, and purchasing hospital vans to extend healthcare services to those in need.


Provide food to those striken by hunger in our communities.


Prevention of epidemic diseases through emphasis on immunisation and reaching out to those striken by disasters.


Maintaining our communities clean through organizing for voluntary work.


Providing clothing for those who can't afford them and have nothing to wear.

Our Core Values


We are open and accountable


We deliver exactly what we ought to deliver


We are honest with the resources given to us


We respect one another at work and outside work


We give feedback for every activity we do and are open to doing great service to people under our care.


We love to help anyone that needs our help. No one should suffer under our watch.


We are always open to offer love to unprivileged.


We work around the clock to create better ways of helping community.


We encourage our teams and partners to work harmoniously.

Our Target Groups

  • Children
  • Elderly
  • Widows and widowers

Strategic Plan

Allwell looks forward to helping thousands of children, mothers and the vulnerable in Uganda who cannot meet their basic needs. We plan to open more opportunities for everyone who has passion to give a hand to the needy to do so. We are aiming at increasing networks of likeminded partners, donors, and Christians to show love to the unprivileged communities.

We began this organisation with the purpose of helping especially needy children. To cater for the children at no cost and employing single mothers as a way of changing their standard of living. But being a project of people in need, we just find ourselves doing full human charity. We cater not only for children but also for the widows, single mothers and the elderly. We have been able to achieve this by the help of friends, family and well-wishers.

We put in place a mini day-care centre for children to help educate them at no cost. But Covid-19 situation affected the day-care activities in 2020 and we run short of funds and closed. We had an idea of employing the single mothers and youths in the day-care school to help them earn some income.

In future we plan to set up a medical centre where community people can receive immediate treatment before being referred to bigger hospitals. We plan to purchase a van to transport the sick from rural areas to the city for further treatment.

Children parenting is our primary goal, children will be parented and well cared for in safe hands. If the day care is in place, some children will be with their biological parents because they will be part of the day-care as staff. Protection and safety will be key and child nurturing will be emphasized. Children will be taught the right morals. Mothers' standards of living will be lifted. The mothers will also benefit from the nurturing lessons learnt from the day-care. More so the mothers will earn a living from the work they do at the day care school.

We hope our dreams will be supported by anyone visiting our website.

Our passion is to help
the needy. We do this with love and
we are happy.

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